@StorybrookeBr @joshdallas Nao sei o que eu disse!
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 10, 2012
@StorybrookeBr Exatamente :)
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 10, 2012
Muito amor a todos os fas do Brazillian.. boa noite e bons sonhos
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 10, 2012
30 hours left to be a part of http://t.co/CfhUMeJP with @florianhalbedl and @joshuamferguson
— Jennifer Morrison (@jenmorrisonlive) July 10, 2012
@acastleofbones3 Hola a todo el mundo de habla Hispana !!
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 11, 2012
Muchas gracias por toda vuestra hermosa mensajes.. Buenas noches y dulces sueños xx
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 11, 2012
Ciao.. Oggi desidero dare dei ringraziamenti e dei migliori auguria tutto il followers di Italiano.!! Apprezzo tutto il suo sostengo xx
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 12, 2012
@AshleighPascoe L'italiano e una così bella.. lei dovrebbe imparare realmente ;))
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 12, 2012
Il commiato a tutto il mio friends. di Italiano. Molti ringraziamenti per tutto il suo bel messages. Domani parlerò in.. ??? :))) xx
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 12, 2012
Aujourd'hui est le Francais jour!! Bonjour et milleurs voeux a tous les Francais adeptes .. Merci de votre soutien il est tres apprecie
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 13, 2012
@JGLenic There's an awful lot of things you don't know about me.. Grace!
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 13, 2012
@withkidsglasgow @riversidemuseum . Great stuff.. hope they had a lovely time
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 14, 2012
@robertcarlyle_ I've worked in school w/ such kids. What they deal with wld break ur heart. These trips give them such joy. A great cause.
— Teresa Martin (@woodrow9) July 14, 2012
@robertcarlyle_ The Riverside Museum needs YOUR vote to win a National Lottery Award!
http://t.co/svXtM1lk Please RT!
— Riverside Museum (@riversidemuseum) July 14, 2012
@robertcarlyle_ 's voice and accent are so bloody sexy!! http://t.co/H8KfPDOT I could listen to this all day long. Such a lovely story :)
— Mafer Torres (@mafer123321) July 14, 2012
@emiliederavin Hear you've been talking about me.!? Thx so much for the lovely words angel..made me blush!! Feelings are mutual believe me X
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 14, 2012
Thank you Mr Carlyle for your tweet we have decided to start a petition in our brothers name @robertcarlyle_
— Margaret Lovett (@MargaretLovett) July 15, 2012
@robertcarlyle_ thanks for the time with the kid in the picture @Ryanhunter_
He was star stuck cheets pic.twitter.com/3Ox18xea
— Iain Hunter (@Singingbutcher1) July 14, 2012
@leearenberg Happy Birthday dearest Lee.. Give it large in a grumpy stylee!
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 19, 2012
New child protection website launched: Support for vulnerable children and families. http://t.co/0XZXpgYG
— Scottish Government (@scotgov) July 16, 2012
@DeniseJonas @FrankieJonas A pleasure meeting you both Denise,thought Frankie was a very charming, polite young man.Good luck with the show
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 20, 2012
Wow.. Sondra Walters.. you are an absolute angel. £2000 donation to @withkidsglasgow. Thank you so so much for your remarkable generosity
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 21, 2012
@onegodless . An absolute pleasure. you deserve the best birthday ever!! Cant tell you how much this means to these children and families xx
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 21, 2012
Great to be back working with @LanaParrilla @emiliederavin and darling @joshdallas who is an even bigger lovey than i remember :)
— Robert Carlyle (@robertcarlyle_) July 27, 2012
@robertcarlyle_ Hey!! :) we made an Aussie fan page for #OUAT to show you guys how much we LOVE it over here! please tweet or RT? xoxo
— Aussie Oncers (@aussiesloveOUAT) August 7, 2012
@robertcarlyle_ Hi, Robert! :D We're about to start a new spanish website about #OUaT :D Would you wish us luck and say Hello/Hola to fans?
— Érase en Storybrooke (@EuVStorybrooke) August 7, 2012
@robertcarlyle_ Xander Vento 4 yrs old drowned saving a 3yr girl from drowning. Would mean a lot to family to RT. http://t.co/EM9fiPeq Thx
— Frances Woodruff (@Cast_Mom) August 10, 2012
@robertcarlyle_ Please have a look at my daughter http://t.co/2n6xxpzg Shes amazing x
— Brooke'sWishToWalk (@brookeswish) August 11, 2012
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